Update Week of 12/4/2022

We have a change in arrangement of this week’s sharing from the earlier email . We place articles first with the upcoming activites below them.

  1. A very important article appeared today in the Rochester D&C “WE HAVE A PROBLEM IN AMERICA”

2. The Death of Daniel Prude and the Birth of a Thousand Lies – The Sunday Long Read

3. We are interested in receiving articles that challenge our thinking. Len provides this one from the National Review.

4.City News: 

a. Rochester’s Black artists call 9th Floor home


b. This article provides the latest on Rochester’s legislative redistriciting map https://www.rochestercitynewspaper.com/rochester/lamar-doubles-down-with-push-for-six-majority-black-legislative-districts-in-monroe-county/Content?oid=15436092

5. Beacon: This article in this week’s issue is another indicator of the rise in anti-semitism. We cannot ignore or accept this or any form of hate. “Forty-five percent of Jewish respondents to a local survey have felt personally discriminated against in the last two years”. https://rochesterbeacon.com/2022/11/30/jews-in-rochester-see-rising-discrimination/

6. In addition to the first item listed about the D&C had six (6) other articles this past week worth reviewing. They are listed below in order of appearance:

a. 5 officers face charges of endangerment

b. Guilty plea doesn’t heal local wounds

c. Passage of Peace illuminated art display returns

d. Biden pledges commitments to tribes to fight climate change

e. NY’s prison package ban soon to be overturned?

f. Vandalism forces murals to be moved

Local Activities

1. Need your help! We are completing the recruitment process for the January 2023 ERG Cohorts. Do you have someone in mind that you would recommend for this program? Talk to them about the program to determine if there is an interest, refer them to our website “exploringracism.org”  and send me their name and email address. Please do so before December 23 (we have moved the start of the Winter program to February). Thank you in advance for your support!

2. There will be a prayer service at Bethlehem Lutheran Church at 2 pm Sunday, Dec 4 that Perinton Pastoral Association has prepared in response to the swastika and N word painted on a church sign and attempted arson at a neighbor’s home.  Rabbi David Abrahams will blow the shofar and various religious leaders will participate.  

3. An article on related incidents of vandalism appeared in Friday’s D&C. “Vandalism forces murals to be moved”


4. The Commission on Race and Structural Equity is providing a “Community Update” on the RASE report on December 5 via Zoom. See the attached for details and registration.

5. There will be a panel discussion held at the Central Church of Christ on the afternoon of December 10 titled “How Legacies Inspire Education That Embraces Black Contributions to Local and National History” featuring Minister Franklin Florence, Walter Cooper, Carol Crossed and Jackie Sprague. See the attachment for more information.

6. FTP Elders-Allies shared information that the UCLM will host a program on bail reform “Bail Reform Community Discussion” – Dec. 13, 6:30. This is the link for the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1197977254261097

7. Save the date for Action for a Better Communities’ “Signature Event” (Virtual) Thursday, January 12 and 19 plus in-person Awards Breakfast, January 26. See attached flyer. 

8. The Community Foundation is sponsoring a virtual program held on The National Day of Racial Healing, January 17, 7:00 – 8:00 PM with the author of the “Sum of Us” , Heather McGee with a program titled “Why Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together”. See the attached information. “https://mailchi.mp/ba6923669c1a/heathermcgee?e=a34ae32e5d”

9. What-can-I-do.Mary-Frances-Winters

10. Sandra Johnson shares a program that RIT is offering at the end of January. All are welcome to attend RIT’s Expressions of King’s Legacy on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. in RIT’s Gordon Field House.  Pulitzer Prize-winning creator of the 1619 Project and a staff writer at The New York Times Magazine Nikole Hannah-Jones will be the keynote speaker.

11. Melanie shares information on a University of Central Florida DEI in the Workplace certificate program. See the attached information.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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