Update Week Ending 2/4/2023

We recently took a different approach to the Weekly Sharing by providing a link to the sharing on our website. We will be issuing the sharing most Saturdays. Rather than embedding all the information in the e-mail we have placed a link to the week’s page in the e-mail. Please note that once you are on the page you can click on the “Resources” and then “Weekly Sharing” in the upper part of the page you will find all the weekly sharings from weeks past.

If you have an item to include in the week’s sharing we need to have it by noon Friday. Please send items to “tcmitch1951@gmail.com”. Please place “Weekly Sharing” or “WS” in the subject line. Thank you!

On Wednesday, February 1 of this past week, Black History month started. We have associated events and resources listed below.

The Black History Month 2023 theme, “Black Resistance“, explores how “African Americans have resisted historic and ongoing oppression, in all forms, especially the racial terrorism of lynching, racial terrorism of lyncing, racial pogroms and police killings,” since the nation’s earliest days.

Black History Month; February was named African American History month because it holds the birthdays of two men who helped eliminate slavery; Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln.

Quote of the Week:

“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next” Abraham Lincoln


There are many events planned for Black History Month in the Rochester area:

1. February 4 (Saturday) & February 5 (Sunday): Black History Month at the Rochester Museum and Science Center from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This weekend’s theme is “Celebrating Freedom Seekers and Abolistionists”

The RMSC has programs each weekend durin the month in addition to it’s permanent exhibits.


2. February 4 (Saturday): Kids Create: Color, Mosaics & Pointillism


3. February 7 (Tuesday): Black History Month Creative Celebration, The Historic Wilder Building, Rochester,


4. February 9 (Thursday): Black History Month Recital


5. Sandra Katz shares a link to National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) of Rochester’s series of four (4) remaining Friday workshops. Next one is Friday, February 10. You can sign up for all at this link:


6. February 14 (Tuesday), it’s a celebration of Frederick Douglas’s birthday hosted by the Frederick Douglas Family Initiative.

7. Honoring Black History Month, Wednesday 2/15 @ 6:30 @ First Congregational UCC Church; Perinton Pastoral Association hosts a presentation by Tiffany Porter “Being Black in the Burbs”


8. Karen Elam and Sandra Katz shared a link for the registration for a program at the Levine Center to End Hate titled “Bridging the Black/Jewish Divide” scheduled for Thursday, February 16 at 7:00 PM.


9. Richard Glaser shares information on a program at the Kusler-Cox Auditorium 3rd Floor Rundel Memorial Library, Saturday, February 18, 2023, 1:00 – 2:30 PM. Lavelle Lewis will speak about his ancestor, John W. Thompson a dedicated activist, abolitionist and politician.


10. Save the date, Nanette Massey will have Debby Irving, author of Waking Up White, as her my guest speaker on her “Real Talk About Racism” program on Sunday, March 5.

11. Join the 2023 Greater Rochester Antiracist Education Virtual Conference: Teaching, Action, Equity, & Justice on March 11th

Register here (zoom events link will be emailed the week of the conference): https://forms.gle/4xPD8tekyANaagqX6

Our goal is to bring together local educators, administrators, activists, students and parents to learn from each other as we create a more just and equitable community. 


12. We again repeat an article we provided 2 weeks ago. Food is needed throughout the City of Rochester. Read the article below and see the link to the map of food stand locations.

Free food stands struggle with dearth of donations

Free Food Stands – Locations · ROC FNB

13. Dan Drmacich provides links to some interesting and informative videos on debunking CRT as well as information on and resources for Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action:

Here is an interesting video:  “Parents skeptical of critical race theory talk to experts: Drawing Conclusions PART 1 FULL INTV “.

That leads me to the next one:  “Nikole Hannah-Jones on “The 1619 Project,” Teaching Critical Race Theory & White Supremacy on Trial”

and for many good laughs check out  “Critical Race Theory: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)”.

14. Celebrate Black History Month 2023 | National Museum of African American History and Culture


15. 38 Ways To Intentionally Celebrate Black History Month (2023)


16. Historically Black | APM Reports


17. Bill Wynne shares information on the Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research. See their January Newsletter below:

Antiracism Starts with You | Center for Antiracist Research (bu.edu)

18. We share two articles from this week’s Beacon (support the BeaconDonate to Support Our Work – Rochester BeaconRochester Beacon);

a. At a local event, two former political opponents from South Africa spoke about their peacebuilding experiences and how it could help ease polarization in the U.S.https://rochesterbeacon.com/2023/01/27/lessons-from-ending-apartheid/

b. State Sen. Samra Brouk says Rochester is underfunded compared to other large upstate cities and needs additional state money to address the challenges of crime and poverty.https://rochesterbeacon.com/2023/01/30/report-calls-for-increased-aim-funding-for-rochester/

19. Are you aware of the Families Igniting Racial Equity (F.I.R.E.) organization? Below is information on the Webster organization and theirs most recent newsletter.

20. Have you subscribed to the CNN Newsletter Race Deconstructed? Here is the latest edition:

These Black Americans broke racial barriers. These are their untold stories.

21. Once again there were many informative articles in the D&C (We need the D&C to survive and thrive, subscribe!). I list 18 such articles in order of appearance:

a. ‘THE PAIN IS REAL’ Part 1

b. ‘THE PAIN IS REAL’ Part 2; A pastor struggles to help a family who lost five children

c. New York prisons now see most from upstate, not NYC; Part 1

d. New York prisons now see most from upstate, not NYC; Part 2

e. Protecting Rochester’s vital urban forests

f. Hochul hopes to increase housing and lower prices

g. Historically Black TSU hopes for Grammy with gospel album

h. Many struggle accessing social safety net programs

i. Nation watching what Memphis does next

j. Lawmakers addressing underfunded Rochester

k. DA to lawmakers: 2019 bail changes ‘detrimental to public safety’


m. DeSantis pushes ban on colleges’ diversity programs

n. Civil rights trailblazer fought for Black jobs at Kodak

o. New York Civil Liberties Union sues to obtain correction officers’ misconduct, discipline files

p. ‘The fight isn’t over’

q. Biden, Black caucus push police reform

r. Biden’s anti-hate initiative lagging


22. Is there a person in the community that has done outstanding work and making a significant impact to improve the lives of the people in our community? Consider them for the 85th Annual Rochester Rotary Award. See the information below:


23. Are you aware of the Venture Jobs Foundation? This foundation is revitalizing underserved neighborhoods and improving the quality of life by supporting and investing in entrepreneurs and growing businesses to foster job creation. See the file below for more information:

24. Mary Holleran of the Rochester Area Community Foundation announces a scholarship opportunity for students pursuing studies in social services, nursing and related fields.. See the link below:


Support Black owned businesses:

Support the Black community by supporting their businesses. We have listed a few below. Please share ones you know with us!

25.The Charleston House – Taste of The South on East Avenue.


26. Clark & Co. Professional Cleaning Service

Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Specialty Cleaning; call 585-705-3848

That is all for this week!

Enjoy the weekend!

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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