Update Week Ending 2/11/2023

Wednesday, February 15 is Parinirvana, in Mahãyãna Buddhism, this date is also known as Nirvana Day. It commemorates Buddha’s death and attainment of final nirvana.

We are almost midway through Black History month. There are still many associated events and resources listed below.

The Black History Month 2023 theme, “Black Resistance“, explores how “African Americans have resisted historic and ongoing oppression, in all forms, especially the racial terrorism of lynching, racial terrorism of lyncing, racial pogroms and police killings,” since the nation’s earliest days.

Black History Month; February was named African American History month because it holds the birthdays of two men who helped eliminate slavery; Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln.

Quote of the Week:

“Everybody understands what White power is…because they own the bank, they have all the commerical power in the community, but they only have (power) it at the expense of that Black brother that is deaf, dumb and blind.” Minister Franklin Florence Sr.. (Minister Florence’s funeral service is today at the Riverside Convention Center, 11:00 – 2:00 PM)


There are still many events planned for Black History Month in the Rochester area:

1. February 11 (Saturday) & February 12 (Sunday): Black History Month at the Rochester Museum and Science Center from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This weekend’s theme is “Rochester’s Champions of Civil Rights”

The RMSC has programs each weekend during the month in addition to it’s permanent exhibits.


2. February 14 (Tuesday), it’s a celebration of Frederick Douglas’s birthday hosted by the Frederick Douglas Family Initiative.

3. Honoring Black History Month, Wednesday 2/15 @ 6:30 @ First Congregational UCC Church; Perinton Pastoral Association hosts a presentation by Tiffany Porter “Being Black in the Burbs”


4. Karen Elam and Sandra Katz shared a link for the registration for a program at the Levine Center to End Hate titled “Bridging the Black/Jewish Divide” scheduled for Thursday, February 16 at 7:00 PM.


5. Alan Ziegler shares that the Winters Group is hosting a virtual seminar on February 15 & 16 titled “Racial Justice at Work: Practical Solutions for Systemic Change”.


6. Richard Glaser shares information on a program at the Kusler-Cox Auditorium 3rd Floor Rundel Memorial Library, Saturday, February 18, 2023, 1:00 – 2:30 PM. Lavelle Lewis will speak about his ancestor, John W. Thompson a dedicated activist, abolitionist and politician.


7. Bill Wynne shares a message from Rev. Myra Brown of Spiritus Christi church “Hi, friends! I pray you will consider joining us for this incredible fundraising event virtual and in person to support our work in building the Franklin D. Florence Civil Rights Park. Tickets available at eventbrite.com Check out the Rochesterbcff.org website for more info.”

8. Save the date, Nanette Massey will have Debby Irving, author of Waking Up White, as her my guest speaker on her “Real Talk About Racism” program on Sunday, March 5.

9. Join the 2023 Greater Rochester Antiracist Education Virtual Conference: Teaching, Action, Equity, & Justice on March 11th

Register here (zoom events link will be emailed the week of the conference): https://forms.gle/4xPD8tekyANaagqX6

Our goal is to bring together local educators, administrators, activists, students and parents to learn from each other as we create a more just and equitable community. 


At the bottom of this sharing page is information, some new and sent previously about Minister Franklin Florence.

10. We provide an alternate version of this video of a program shared last week produced in Atlanta to explore and debunk the fears of CRT in our schools, This is a must view.

11. Dan Drmacich shares this poem by Raymond Nate Turner titled “Ruchell Magee Must be Set Free!”

12. Bill Wynne shared his letter to the Beacon in regards to questions and concerns for the Pines of Perinton community as a result of the fire of January 2022 and request that the Town of Perinton and others speed aid for the recovery of that community.

13. We share two articles from this week’s Beacon (support the BeaconDonate to Support Our Work – Rochester BeaconRochester Beacon);

a. ESL CEO Faheem Masood’s covenant with the community is deeply personal and also reflects the financial institution’s five core values.https://rochesterbeacon.com/2023/02/09/committed-to-creating-shared-value/

b. A measure before the state Legislature would end the reliance on suspensions as the default way to discipline students.https://rochesterbeacon.com/2023/02/06/a-chance-to-succeed-solutions-not-suspensions-in-rochester/

14. Richard Glaser shares this article on the success of Black entrepreneurs following the pandemic:


15. Have you subscribed to the CNN Newsletter Race Deconstructed? Here is the latest edition:

“How the first Black Woman claimed to help discover an element ‘claimed a seat at the Periodic Table'”


16. Bill Wynne provides an article circulated by the FTP Elders and Allies organization titled “How to identify a facist”


17. Once again there were many informative articles in the D&C (We need the D&C to survive and thrive, subscribe!). I list 13 such articles in order of appearance:

a. Black residents fear Tenn. police

b. DeSantis may change progressive Florida college

c. Rochester needs more access to medical cannabis dispensaries – Opinion Piece

d. Black women’s hair is about our identity – Opinion Piece

e. Devaluing our past fails kids’ potential – Opinion Piece

f. Nichols’ mom, chief: On 2 sides of a tragedy

g. Mom of Buffalo shooting survivor to attend Biden’s State of the Union address

h. Report: NYC police misconduct in 2020 protests

i. Toll of police killings in US on display

j. Interim city fire chief is first woman to lead the department

k. Study finds disparity in heart diagnoses

l. Mayor praises Rochester’s achievements in housing

m. Officer accused in assault at prison



18. Is there a person in the community that has done outstanding work and making a significant impact to improve the lives of the people in our community? Consider them for the 85th Annual Rochester Rotary Award. See the information below:


19. Are you aware of the Venture Jobs Foundation? This foundation is revitalizing underserved neighborhoods and improving the quality of life by supporting and investing in entrepreneurs and growing businesses to foster job creation. See the file below for more information:

20. Mary Holleran of the Rochester Area Community Foundation announces a scholarship opportunity for students pursuing studies in social services, nursing and related fields.. See the link below:


Support Black owned businesses:

21. Support the Black community by supporting their businesses. We have listed one below. Please share ones you know with us!

22. Minister Franklin Delano Roosevelt Florence Sr.

We shared an article on the passing of Minister Franklin Delano Roosevelt Florence Sr. with last week’s Weekly Sharing but did not have the information on services until Sunday. The services for Franklin Florence will be held on Friday, February 10 (wake 9 AM – 6 PM followed by a service 6 – 9 PM with Reverend Al Sharpton officiating) at the Central Church of Christ at 101 S. Plymouth Ave, Rochester and services on Saturday, February 11, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. See more information immediately below.


Unfortunately many in the White community do not know Franklin Florence and the organization he founded in 1964, FIGHT (Freedom, Independence, God, Honor, Today).  We provide a link to the video “Through Conflict to Negotiation” that highlights Minister Florence’s fight with Kodak in the late ’60’s for jobs for underemployed Blacks in Rochester.https://www.nfb.ca/film/through_conflict_to_negotiation/

We provide a September 1990 reprint from the “about…time” magazine featuring an interview with Minister Franklin Florence:

We also recommend the book “Strike the Hammer” written by Dr. Laura Hill published in 2021, that covers much of the Civil Rights struggle in Rochester in the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s and describes FIGHT, Franklin Florence and the campaign with Eastman Kodak in great detail.

D&C articles on Minister Franklin Florence from February 2:

Civil rights trailblazer fought for Black jobs at Kodak (Part 1)

Civil rights trailblazer fought for Black jobs at Kodak (Part 2)


We would ask our ERG participants and alumni to consider attending a service or at the very least learning about the life of Minister Florence and his fight for Civil Rights in Rochester by viewing the video, book or articles listed above.

That is all for this week!

Please note, if you click on the “Resources” and then “Weekly Sharing” in the upper part of the page you will find all the Weekly Sharings from weeks past. If you have an item to include in the week’s sharing we need to have it by noon Friday. Please send items to “tcmitch1951@gmail.com”. Please place “Weekly Sharing” or “WS” in the subject line. Thank you!

Enjoy the weekend!

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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