Today is Saturday, January 6. This day is the Feast of the Epiphany, this feast day celebrates the visit of the Magi, Jesus’ baptism, and the Wedding at Cana. Tomorrow, Sunday, January 7 is Orthodox Christmas, the day Orthodox Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth.
Quote of the Week:
Greek Philosopher and scientist Aristotle once said, “Poverty is the parent of crime and revolution. Poverty will either make a person take what they don’t have from someone who might have a little more than they do or it will make a person rebel against the current of the system, the present state of their life, and …”
Featured Civil Rights Activist/Abolishonist/Leader for this week: Dennis Archer, teacher, attorney, Michigan State Supreme Court Justice, Mayor of Detroit and the first African American President of the American Bar Association. See link below.
The Honorable Dennis Archer’s Biography (
Here is what is going on in the Rochester area:
1. Have you visited the Black Dolls exhibit on the Strong Museum? It closes tomorrow, January 7. See below.
2. ABC has announced it’s 2024 Signature Conference Series – Beyond Trauma…A Journey to Wellness, January 11, 18 & 25. See details below.
3. Our friend, Nanette Massey is hosting a 3 part program titled “Reckoning With Racism for Nurses” with two hour sessions over three Saturdays; January 13, 20, and 27. See updated details with video introduction below.
The video message can best be viewed here:
4. The Webster FIRE organization shares information on a program by the Antiracist Curriculum project scheduled for Saturday, January 13 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
5. Shanique Byrd, Tocsin Magazine reminded us of the Black Cinema Series at the Little Theatre. The next film is shown on Saturday, January 13 at 7:00 PM. See below.
American Fiction (with discussion) – Jan. 13 | The Little Theatre
6. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday is Monday, January 15. The Greater Rochester Martin Luther King Jr. Commission’s 2024 program is listed below.
7. The MLK Jr. “Living the Dream” series takes place in Pittsford at the United Church of Pittsford with 4 different dates in January. See link below for information.
8. Bill Wynne, author of “Understanding and Combating Racism” shares his personal anti-racism journey at the Pittsford Barnes & Noble on Wednesday, January 17 at 6:30 PM.
9. University of Rochester: Rachel Swarns, journalist, author, and an associate professor of journalism at New York University, will deliver the University’s 2024 Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Address on Friday, January 19. The event is free and open to the public.
10. RIT’s 42nd Expressions of King’s Legacy program featuring keynote Dr. Ibram X. Kendi on Tuesday, January 30, 2024 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM. To register, see below.
Expressions of King’s Legacy | Diversity and Inclusion | RIT
11. Bill Wynne shares much information on anti-racism on his blog. The link is provided below.
12. Bill Wynne and FTP Elders-Allies shares the following item “Accommodate Me Caringly: Bishop Barber Confronts ADA Discrimination at AMC Theaters”.
13. We share one item from the latest edition of the CNN Newsletter Race Deconstructed this week, there are two more at “”.:
Black students weigh mentioning race in college admissions essays after SCOTUS affirmative action ruling.
14. One article is provided below from last week’s Beacon; “There is still a tremendous need for safe affordable housing, access to affordable child care and resources to address food insecurity,” says Myra Henry, CEO of YWCA Rochester & Monroe County, who joined other community leaders at a White House event this month.
15. Here is the latest article from the Pink Elephant Newsletter by Dr. Janice Gassam Asare; the “Claudine Gay Resigns from Harvard; Why Black Excellence is Never Enough”.
16. Laurie Mahoney shares this opinion piece from the NY Times about investing in a home in Detroit.
Opinion Today: Why I bought a fixer-upper with my cousin in Detroit (
17. Here are 7 of articles that deal with Race, Hate or Intolerance found in D&C over the past week. We list in order of appearance:
a. State laws drive college professors toward exits (some states are using the denial of tenure to silence professors).
b. A Rochester policeman shot him as he ran (there is more to this story than the shooting, there is the history of poverty and neglect to the neighborhood).
c. Twin brothers walk across US for kids (raising awareness about foster care system).
d. ‘Managing the burden and the blessing’ (Grandfamilies become more common in US amid a multitude of needs and reasons).
e. Ending bias in health tech is a moral obligation (Opinion piece that presents a number of legitmate issues of concern).
f. Group seeks reevaluation of criminal justice laws: Rochester leaders press lawmakers for review (appears to be a worthy endeavor).
g. Ex-cop gets 14 months over death. (Unclear if there will be any change in policing policy).
18. Jennifer Suppe shares information on the 2024 Greater Rochester Chamber MWBE Awards. See information at the link below:
19. Joseph Searles shares information on the 2024 Ibero American Action League Scholarhip program. See below.
20. The Community Foundation (RACF) provides scholarships and awards helping students achieve their goals in education and life. Check out the link below.
Rochester Area Scholarships and Award Resources – Rochester Area Community Foundation (
Please share any opportunities for employment, assistance, grants, etc. that you are aware of with the community by sending them to “”.
21. Support the Black Community by supporting their businesses. Please share Black businesses you support and value. A good resource is “Black Owned in Rochester”
Black Owned Businesses Rochester NY Black-Owned In Rochester (
22. Are you familar with the Rochester Artist Collaborative? Check them out at the link below.
23. Looking for a program to immerse your employees in experiential wellness practices that decrease stress to increase productivity and improve retention? Check out MYRetreat, a wellness app that pairs chocolate with mindfulness to dramatically improve habit formation. Also, see the business case for MYRetreat below that.
That is all for this week!
If you have an item to include in the week’s sharing we need to have it by noon Fridays.