Today is Saturday, January 4. Monday, January 6 is Three Kings Day or the Epiphany. On this day Christians celebrate the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus.. Tuesday, January 7 is Orthodox Christmas. On this day Coptic Orthodox Christians mark the birth of Jesus Christ according to the Julian calendar.
Quote of the Week: “Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” Zora Neale Hurston born January 7, 1891 – died January 28, 1960. American author and anthropologist
Featured Civil Rights Activist/Abolitionist/Pioneer for this week: Zora Neale Hurston born January 7, 1891 – died January 28, 1960. American author and anthropologist
1. Consider attending the United Church of Pittsford’s 2025 MLK Living the Dream Series; 7:00 PM, Wednesday, January 8, 15, 22, 29 and February 2. The series is presented by Pittsford CommUNITY and its sponsors and hosted by the United Church of Pittsford. All events are free and will be held at 123 S. Main St., Pittsford. Free parking in the lot off Sunset.
For more information, visit
2. Laurie Mahoney shares information on the ‘Build a Better Rochester: Workshop on Advocating for Inclusive Housing RMAPI, EJC, OLH and Reconnect Rochester” at St. John Fisher on Tuesday, January 14 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM presented by Our Local History. See below for details and to register.
3. ROC the Future Alliance is excited to announce our 12th Annual State of Our Children Address & Report Card Release on Friday, January 17, 2025, at Harro East Ballroom, 155 N. Chestnut Street, Rochester, NY 14604. See below for details.
4. Action for a Better Community (ABC) will hold it’s 2025 Signature Conference on January 9th & 16th (virtual both days) and January 23rd, In-person Awards Breakfast. ABC is celebrating 60 years of “Empowering Communities and Inspiring Change”. Here are the program and presentation details as well as sponsorship opportunities.
5. The Greater Rochester Martin Luther King Jr. Commission will be holding is annual tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, January 20, 2025, 9:00 – 10:30 AM at the Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre, 26 Gibbs Street, Rochester 14604.
Greater Rochester Martin Luther King Jr. Commission – University of Rochester Calendar
6. Update from George Yeadon on the RIT’s Expressions of King’s Legacy featuring Deborah Archer to be held on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM. The program now includes a performance by Garth Fagan Dance. See flyer below.
7. George Yeadon also shares that the University of Rochester will hold its annual MLK JR. Address on Thursday, January 30 at the Strong Auditorium on the River Campus featuring Giancarlo Esposito see details and registraction below.
8. We repeat this item again. Most of us did not receive a full education on the history of enslavement and it’s residual impacts nationally or locally. Shane Wiegand shares that Our Local History we just published a book that they co-authored with Leslie C. Youngblood, Dr. Walter Cooper, Connie Mitchell-Jefferson, and Shawn Dunwoody about Rochester’s First Black female elected official (1961), Constance Mitchell. This would be an awesome book for folks in ERG to share with kids and grandkids for the holidays. All proceeds go to donating books to RCSD classrooms and students.
Here’s the link to order:
9. Liz Brown urges us to talk to our state representative for support of the passage of Daniel’s Law:
There have been a number of responses to the release of the Daniel’s Law Task Force report including comments from Senator Brouk
10. John Rodriguez shares this item, “They Said They Wanted To Partner. They Really Wanted To Exploit My Black-Owned Business. A Cautionary Tale about Public Consulting Group (PCG)”.
11. Here is last week’s and this week’s post of Dr. Janice Gassam Asare for the Pink Elephant Newsletter. Both deal with the future of DEI; ‘4 Predictions That Will Shape The Future Of DEI In 2025’ and ‘DEI Isn’t Going Anywhere: Why Practitioners Are Doing More Despite Backlash’.
12. Sharing two (2) articles from the Beacon; one from last week and one from this week.
13. Here is Bill Wynne’s monthly update, ‘Moving Forward with Hope’;
14. There are 2 articles that deal with Race, Poverty, Hate or Intolerance found in D&C over the past week.
a. Videos show handcuffed inmate beaten (it is hard to understand this inhumane treatment).
b. NY state prison superintendent ousted.
OPPORTUNITIES: Please share any opportunities for employment, assistance, grants, etc. that you are aware of with the community by sending them to “”.
15. Liz Brown informs us that the Center for Dispute Resolution has an open position; Director of Operations. See information below.
Job Postings | The Center for Dispute Settlement
16. Monica Gebell, Executive Director, Levine Center to End Hate | Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester invites you to become a Mentor to A Youth Ambassador. See below for details.
17. Interested in scholarships for next year’s college expenses? Check out the Scholarships that the Urban League of Rochester organizes. Applications are now open.
Scholarships — Urban League of Rochester (
18. The Rochester Area Community Foundation (RACF) Scholarship program portal is now open.
Rochester Area Scholarships and Award Resources – Rochester Area Community Foundation (
19. Support the Black Community by supporting their businesses. Please share Black businesses you support and value. A good resource is “Black Owned in Rochester”
Black Owned Businesses Rochester NY Black-Owned In Rochester (
20. Check out the 5 Best Massages in Rochester:
5 Best Massages In Rochester NY [BOIR Edition] – Black-Owned In Rochester
If you have an item to include in the week’s sharing we need to have it by noon on Friday.
Thank you!