Update Week of 7/24/2022

We have added 15 items to the email sent earlier today.

1. Please join  the HealingROC event. The community needs your presence. It takes place tomorrow, Sunday, July 24th, 2022 from 2-6pm at Maplewood Rose Garden. Grequan Carter will gather individuals in the police department, as well as residents and businesses of Rochester, and participate in a peace walk to attempt to decrease tension between our community and police. The walk will be 2:15 – 3:15 PM and the program, 3:20 – 4:20 PM. This program will also showcase some form of progress/healing and honorment of and since the Rochester Race Riot/Uprising that took place July 24th, 1964. From the Rose Garden, we will walk through Lower Falls, then up St. Paul street, back to the Rose Garden. Please consider joining (see attachment for details).

2. Please note for the special ERG meeting on August 4 with Jerome Underwood; I sent 2 invites this past week. One for “in-person” the other for “Zoom” attendance. I needed to do so because of limited seating availability at the Rochester Regional Transit HQ conference, I wanted to have a count for the “in-person” session. Some accepted both the “in-person” and the “Zoom” formats. If you accepted or are planning to accept the invite, please recheck for “in-person” or “Zoom”. Let me know if you would like to change your selection. Thank you! 

3. We are now recruiting for the September ERG cohorts. We plan to have 4 cohorts or groups of 10 starting the one year program during September. Is there a current leader or future leader in your company or organization that could benefit from the ERG program? Even if you are the “boss” or “owner” you need the support of your team in order to initiate or sustain change.  We ask you to talk to your leader, leadership team or colleagues about the program (3 items pertaining to the program are attached) and if they have an interest, let me know via email and I will send them a simple intake form. There is no cost to our program but there is limited seating and we need to complete the recruitment process by the end of the 3rd week in August. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

4. Richard Glaser shares the Wall Street Journal’s recent Diversity + Business news letter (attached)

5. A friend shared this link to a Fox News piece titled: – Jefferson, Madison’s homes become woke monuments attacking Founding Fathers’ legacies. This may be worth discussing in the ERG cohort sessions. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/jefferson-madison-homes-woke-monuments-attacking-founding-fathers-legacies

6. Bill Wynne forwarded an editorial piece written by Howard Eagle appearing in the Minority Reporter: http://minorityreporter.net/its-impossible-to-solve-problems-if-we-deny-their-existence/

7. Dan Dramich shared a Scott Pitoniak piece from the RBJ on Bud Fowler who in 1878 became the first Black to play professionally on an all-white baseball team; http://minorityreporter.net/its-impossible-to-solve-problems-if-we-deny-their-existence/

A number of articles from the D&C this week that are worth considering, in order of appearance:

1.Buffalo ‘was already hurting’ before shooting


2. No trial wanted in Buffalo massacre


3. Money sought to honor Navajo messengers


4. Till’s house, Black historic sites to get landmarks funds


5. Young African leaders visit NY


6. RPD officer previously disciplined


7. New threats made against a Buffalo Tops


8. Supreme Court move keeps Jackson on race case


9. Fatal shots on Bauman reverberate all around


10. Biden’s economy breaking Black America (an opinion piece)


11. Pope’s Indigenous tour signals a rethinking


Have a great week!

Tom Mitchell

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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