Update Week of 11/27/2022

We hope you have had a wonderful holiday weekend. Here are some items you should be aware of:

1. Need your help! We are completing the recruitment process for the January 2023 ERG Cohorts. Do you have someone in mind that you would recommend for this program? Talk to them about the program to determine if there is an interest, refer them to our website “exploringracism.org”  and send me their name and email address. Please do so in the next 10 days. Thank you in advance for your support!

2. Lance and Richard want us to be aware of the UofR program, Wednesday, November 30: REAL conversations: “Understanding White Supremacy”. See the attachment.

3. The Commission on Race and Structural Equity is providing a “Community Update” on the RASE report on December 5 via Zoom. See the attached for details and registration.

4. Save the date for Action for a Better Communities’ “Signature Event” (Virtual) Thursday, January 16 and 19 plus in-person Awards Breakfast, January 26. See attached flyer. More information will follow.

5. The FTP Elders and Allies provide the attached information on legislation to restore housing and education assistance to Black WWII veterans. You are urged to write to your Congressman.

6. Richard Glaser shares an article from the Atlantic that records how American racism helped inform the Nazi playbook for anti-semitism. Here’s the article:  https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/11/what-america-taught-the-nazis/540630/

7. Two D&C articles that are appropriate for consideration on Friday’s (11/25) Native American Heritage Day and Thursday’s Thanksgiving holiday:

a. Return of Oneida Indian Nation artifacts celebratedhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=0ccb78c09_13486e9

b. Rochesterians gather for Umoja Karamu, a ‘unity feast’ alternative to Thanksgivinghttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=02ff94739_13486e9

8. Bill Wynne advises of a 2023 program from Mary-Frances Winter. See attached.

9. This week’s Beacon had an informative article on a new intiative of ROC the Future.

10. There were 11 additional articles that appeared in the D&C this week. We list them in order of appearance:

a. Anti-trans laws afflict Remembrance

b. Louisville police chief to resign at end of year

c. Justice Thurgood Marshall’s wife ‘Cissy’ Marshall dies at 94


e. First Black Rockette has stories to tell

f. HBCU files complaint, seeks review of bus search

g. NY directs schools to change Native American team names

h. Researchers seek lost Native American school graves


j. ‘I’m not desperately seeking a wrecking ball. I need this off my vacancy list.’

k. Historic mansion in Yonkers reopens after $20M upgrade

We wish you a great week!

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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