Update Week Ending 3/11/2023

Today is Saturday March 11. Friday, March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day. This day or the days before it, many people and communities world wide host cultural celebrations with parades and festivities but, it is a feast day of a Catholic saint who inspires these cultural and religous celebrations.

Quote of the Week:

“To those who insisted that the lot of the free white laborer was worse than that of the slave, Frederick Douglas liked to point out that his old position on the plantation had been vacant since his departure, and encouraged them to apply” ~ Noel Ignatiev, author “How the Irish Became White”


Here is what is going on this week in the Rochester area:

1. Today, Saturday, March 11 the Gateways Festival Orchestra has a special event at 7:30 PM, Gateways and Black Panther Conductor Anthony Parnther with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO). Anthony Parnther will conduct the RPO performance of the “Black Panther” film soundtrack. Tickets can be purchased at the link below.

Gateways Notes | Rochester-Area Edition | Anthony Parnther and Black Panther Come at RPO! (mailchi.mp)

2. Also, today at 9:00 AM join the 2023 Greater Rochester Antiracist Education Virtual Conference: Teaching, Action, Equity, & Justice on Saturday, March 11th

Register here (zoom events link will be emailed the week of the conference): https://forms.gle/4xPD8tekyANaagqX6

Our goal is to bring together local educators, administrators, activists, students and parents to learn from each other as we create a more just and equitable community. 

3. Dr. Frederick Jefferson shares a link to a Mellon Foundation virtual seminar, “Why Does Affirmative Action Still Matter?”

Why Does Affirmative Action Still Matter? (Online) 3/16 at 4pm ET (splashthat.com)

4. Frederick Jefferson also advises us of the 3rd of a 4th part series program offered Wednesday, March 16 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM by the The Anatomy of Hate Grand Rounds 2023 events titled “A Tree of Life”.


5. The Urban League offers a program on Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. Join Former Chief of Police Cynthia Herriot Sullivan, member of the Urban league Powerbrokers and Facilitator of the RASE Policing CART, for this important discussion on Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement on March 16th, 2023 at 7:00 pm.

6. Bill Wynne shared the attached program; “Affordabe Housing: A Human Right?” to be held on Sunday, March 19 @ 2:00 PM.

7. Sandra Katz shares a link to National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) of Rochester’s series of one (1) remaining Friday workshops. Next one is Friday, March 24, titled “Engagement”. You can sign up for the event at this link:


8. Richard Glaser shares this program about Harriet Tubman coming up on March 27 at 6:00 PM. It’s open to all.

9. The FIRE organization provided information on a program in Webster on Saturday, March 28, 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM, titled “A Webster Community Convening on Equity in Education” sponsored by Webster Central School District in conjunction with FIRE. More information next week.

10. Barb Glassman of The Commissary and RocGrowth share information on this special event on March 31:

The Commissary is a shared kitchen incubator in Downtown Rochester helping to reduce barriers for food startups. Many of The Commissary member businesses are BIPOC and woman-owned; all excited to share their talents and cuisines with the Rochester community.

The Secret Ingredient: A Benefit for The Commissary, will be held on March 31 at the historic Sibley Building and will feature 30+ Commissary member chefs, bakers, makers, and entrepreneurs. Experience delicious culinary creations, participate in kitchen tours, view live demos, drink custom libations, and groove to a live DJ on vinyl. 

This is a great chance to support and meet some of the best up-and-coming food entrepreneurs in our region. Checkout our 2022 Impact Report

This party will celebrate the optimism and rebirth of Rochester’s food industry. We hope to celebrate with you at The Secret Ingredient on 3/31. If able to attend, we hope you’ll grab a ticket for you and a friend.


11. A FWD.us published a report “Justice, Saftey, and Prosperity: New York’s Bail Reform Success Story”.


12. Bill Wynne forwarded me an item shared by Dwain Wilder; a message from Arnold Schwaarzenegger speaking out against hate.

“Nobody who has chosen the path of hate has ever gotten to the end of the road and said, ‘Oh! What a life!’ No. They die as miserably as they have lived.” —Arnold Schwartzenegger, on the looming danger of Americans choosing autocracy over democracy

13. Here is an item circulated by the FTC Elders-Allies, subject – White Supremacist propaganda increasing.

White supremacist organizations distributed racist, antisemitic, or otherwise hateful propaganda on more than 6,750 separate occasions last year, according to a report released by the Anti-Defamation League yesterday. According to the report, there has been a nearly 40 percent rise in similar incidents compared with 2021 and a more than fivefold increase since 2018. While around 50 organizations distributed white supremacist propaganda last year, three groups — Patriot Front, Goyim Defense League, and the White Lives Matter movement — were responsible for more than 90 percent of the incidents.


14. Here is another item circulated by the FTC Elders-Allies, subject – The persistance of poverty in America.

An article by Matt Desmond about Poverty in America

15. Here is a NY Times article on the Dept. of Justice released their findings on the Metropolitian Louisville Police Department.


16. We share one article from this week’s Beacon;

a. Tenant rights activists would like the city of Rochester to limit rent increases. Meeting that request has proved to be a challenge.https://rochesterbeacon.com/2023/03/09/the-road-to-rent-stability/

17. Here is the latest edition of the CNN Newsletter Race Deconstructed:

Everything Everywhere All at Once: Actors behind Oscar contender for best picture reflect on racism and represention in Hollywood – CNN Style

18 Once again there were many informative articles in the D&C. We list 20 such articles in order of appearance:

a. Education reform proponent Hale selected as state Regent

b. County’s new chief diversity officer hails from Rochester

c. Legislators of color talk about housing, fair wages, more

d. Black Vietnam vet at last getting his due

e. Backers push for Florence civil rights heritage site

f. Jamestown Public schools to drop Red Raiders name

g. No longer eager to forget

h. Poll: Most Black voters disapprove of DeSantis decision


j. How to heal a broken America? Listen to Martin Luther King Jr.

k. Californians await key decisions from reparations task force

l. Descendants seek to honor one of nation’s 1st Black professors


n. Exxon Mobil sued after 5th noose found

o. A mixed legacy 50 years after Wounded Knee clash

p. Most students leaving NYC schools were Black or low-income

q. How often do missing kids make it home?

r. A better way to hold cops accountable

s. ‘Last in, first out’ could hit teaching

t. Housing issue sees divergent opinions


19. This will be the last week for this item on the “sharing” for now: Are you aware of the Venture Jobs Foundation? This foundation is revitalizing underserved neighborhoods and improving the quality of life by supporting and investing in entrepreneurs and growing businesses to foster job creation. See the file below for more information:

Support Black owned businesses:

20. Support the Black Community by supporting their businesses. I haven’ received any new businesses so I keep the Black owned businesses on the list that I have. Please share ones you know about with us!

a. Tom Mitchell shares again that one of his best experiences had in the last few years is being introduced to a Black owned barbershop, “Whitmore’s International Barbershop” by friend Grequan Carter. The shop is located at 212 Monroe Avenue just 2 blocks west of the Strong National Museum of Play. He receives the best cut, great conversation and a new world of wonderful acquaintances. By appointment only, call or txt Tom at 585-739-2750 if you would like an introduction.

b. Could you use a reliable, efficient and professional janitorial service? Try Clark

That is all for this week!

Please note, if you click on the “Resources” and then “Weekly Sharing” in the upper part of the page you will find all the Weekly Sharings from weeks past. If you have an item to include in the week’s sharing we need to have it by noon Friday. Please send items to “tcmitch1951@gmail.com”. Please place “Weekly Sharing” or “WS” in the subject line. Thank you!

Enjoy the weekend!

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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