Update Week Ending 12/16/2023

Today is Saturday, December 16. Today is the start of Las Posadas, a religous festival celebrated in Mexico and parts of the U.S. during the Christmas Season. Thursday, December 21 is Yule, a Pagan and Wiccan holiday that celebrates the winter solstice (when either of the Earth’s north pole reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun).

Quote of the Week:

“A nation may lose its liberties and be a century in finding it out. Where is teh American liberty?…In its far-reaching and broad sweep, slavery has stricken down the freedom of us all”. John Mercer Langston, December 14, 1829 – November 15, 1897, Black leader, educator, and diplomat, believed to be the first Black leader ever elected to public office in the United States.

Featured Civil Rights Activist/Abolishonist leader for this week. John Mercer Langston. See link below.



Here is what is going on in the Rochester area:

1. Frank Staropoli suggests visiting the Eastman House to view the gallery exhibit “GILLIAN LAUB: SOUTHERN RITES” that runs through December 31. See links below for details and times.


2. ABC has announced is 2024 Signature Conference Series – Beyond Trauma…A Journey to Wellness, January 11, 18 & 25. See details below.

2024 Virtual Signature Conference Series | Registration – Action for a Better Community (abcinfo.org)

3. Our friend, Nanette Massey is hosting a 3 part program titled “Reckoning With Racism for Nurses” with two hour sessions over three Saturdays; January 13, 20, and 27. See details below.

For Nurses–Antiracism in healthcare professions (mailchi.mp)

4. Several of you have shared the information on the announcement of RIT’s 42nd Expressions of King’s Legacy program featuring keynote Dr. Ibram X. Kendi on Tuesday, January 30, 2024 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM. It is not too early to register, see below.

Expressions of King’s Legacy | Diversity and Inclusion | RIT


5. Bill Wynne shared several articles regarding attempts at desegregation in Chicago, 1965 – 1968, here is one of them,

“Real Good and Sincere Catholics”: White Catholicism and Massive Resistance to Desegregation in Chicago, 1965–1968 | Religion and American Culture | Cambridge Core

6. Laurie Mahoney shares the article “N.Y. faith communities can help create housing”.

N.Y. faith communities can help create housing (nydailynews.com)

7. Here is a valuable piece from Heather Richardson Cox on the United Nations General Assembly establishment of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), December 10, 1948, . 


8. Kit Miller shares a couple of pieces on the impact of racism on health.


Racial bias can lead to faulty health monitors – Futurity

b. New survey finds Black Americans face racism at doctor’s office

9. Dr. Frederick Jefferson shares a piece highlighting the 2023 Gateway Festival

Gateways Music Festival: Thank You for Your Support! (mailchi.mp)

10. Frank Staropoli shares this video of comedians making statements against intolerance and hate.

jesters and fools documenary – Google Search

11. Dr. Candice Lucas shares a report with information on the ongoing discussions surrounding the zoning alignment, the South East Neighborhoods share their input to the Zoning Alignment Project (ZAP).

Neighborhood Leaders ZAP Input (mailchi.mp)

12. Check out what is going on at the Levine Center to End Hate.

HOME | Levine Center to End Hate (endhateroc.org)

13. Here is the latest Interrupter Newsletter from the Urban League of Rochester, Equity and Advocacy division.

City of Rochester Responds to RASE Recommendation (mailchi.mp)

14. We share one item from the latest edition of the CNN Newsletter Race Deconstructed this week, there are two more at “racedeconstructed@newsletters.cnn.com”.:

As the nation battles a maternal health crisis, more women of color are choosing birth centers over hospitals


15. One article is provided below from last week’s Beacon; Although the open house has past the piece highlights the great health care services the St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center has provided the Rochester community’s poor for 30 years.

16. Here are 7 of articles that deal with Race, Hate or Intolerance found in D&C over the past week. We list in order of appearance:

a. Mideast war strains interfaith initiatives (continued dialogue is needed at this time more than ever).

b. Wisconsin tribes doing their part to keep air clean (we have largely ignored indigenous peoples, the environment may be an area to pay attention to their ways).

c. Housing advocate created services for the needy (highlights of the life of Dorothy Dobson).

d. Calif. schools are changing how students are graded (different perspective on the impact of failing grades on students).

e. Survey: Nearly 600 colleges use legacy as part of competitive admissions (if affirmative action admissions is unfair what is legacy admissions?).

f. GUIDING PRINCIPLES (of Kwanzaa) (not to early to learn about this cultural celebration).

g. US homelessness hits highest level (Blacks and Latinos impacted at a higher rate than Whites).


17. Jennifer Suppe shares information on the 2024 Greater Rochester Chamber MWBE Awards. See information at the link below:


18. Joseph Searles shares information on the 2024 Ibero American Action League Scholarhip program. See below.

19. The Community Foundation (RACF) provides scholarships and awards helping students achieve their goals in education and life. Check out the link below.

Rochester Area Scholarships and Award Resources – Rochester Area Community Foundation (racf.org)

20. Joseph Searles shared there are Open Positions at Trillium Health. See the attached list.

Please apply at www.trilliumhealth.org/careers!

Please share any opportunities for employment, assistance, grants, etc. that you are aware of with the community by sending them to “tcmitch1951@gmail.com”.


21. Support the Black Community by supporting their businesses. Please share Black businesses you support and value. A good resource is “Black Owned in Rochester”

Black Owned Businesses Rochester NY Black-Owned In Rochester (blackownedinrochester.com)

22. Looking for a program to immerse your employees in experiential wellness practices that decrease stress to increase productivity and improve retention? Check out MYRetreat, a wellness app that pairs chocolate with mindfulness to dramatically improve habit formation.

That is all for this week!

If you have an item to include in the week’s sharing we need to have it by noon Fridays.

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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