Today is Saturday, April 27. Monday past, April 22 started the Passover, commemorating the story of the Israelites freedom from slavery in Egypt. The Passover runs throught April 30. The Baha’i festival of Ridvan, started Sunday, April 21 and runs to May 3. April 21st is believed the day that Baha’u’llah learned of his mission as the last messenger of God to the world in 1863. May is Asian American Pacific Islander month. Sunday, May 5 is Easter Sunday for Eastern Orthodox Christians.
Quote of the Week: “Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated“, Coretta Scott King, Civil Rights activist, icon and author , April 27, 1927 – January 30, 2006.
Featured Civil Rights Activist/Abolitionist/Leader for this week: Coretta Scott King, Civil Rights activist, Icon and author , April 27, 1927 – January 30, 2006.
1. Dr. Frederick Jefferson shares with us that today the Rochester Oratorio Society has a performance of “Freedom Song – When Gospel Came to the Empire,” at the Fort Hill Performing Arts Center in Canandaigua on April 27. See below for information on the performance, the soloists and to purchase tickets.
Home – The Rochester Oratorio Society (
3. Jeanne Strazzabosco shares an invitation to the In This Moment Chapbook launch featuring Midge Thomas, Humanitarian and Dr. Walter Cooper PhD, Regent Emeritus of State of New York. Their writers and photographers will also take part in the panel discussion. The George Eastman Museum (900 East Ave.) is presenting the book launch and panel discussion.
April 29th; 7:00 – 7:25 – Reception in the Wolk Concourse, 7:30- 9:00 – Panel Discussion in Dryden Theatre
The event is free but we ask guests to register. Here is the link to register for the book launch and panel discussion.
4. Bill Wynne advises that Saturday, May 4 is the 2nd Annual Black Authors Day from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM at The Avenue Blackbox Theatre780 Joseph Avenue Rochester, NY 14621. See below for more information and tickets.
2nd Annual National Black Authors Day Tickets, Sat, May 4, 2024 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite
5. Check out the Urban League’s 2024 Homecoming events, May 31 – June2, 2024
Homecoming Events — Urban League of Rochester (
6. Bill Wynne reminds us that it is not too early to plan for Juneteenth. Here is one event, more to come.
7. His Branches, operates as a community health center with clinics in the 19th Ward and Beechwood communities within the City of Rochester, dedicated to the pursuit health and economic equity for all people and the good of our neighborhoods is holding a fund raising golf tournament on July 22. See link below for more information.
8. Save the date, 9/18/2024 for the Urban League – Rochester’s (UL-R) ‘Interrupt Racism’ Summit. See item #14 for this and more UL-R information.
9. George Yeadon shares this program that was aired earlier this week. Check it out!
Shaping Our Stories — Causewave Community Partners
10. Bill Wynne shares this article “One Woman Stood Up Against Hate and Was Stunned by How Many Stood With Her. Her Story Is an Inspiration to Us All”
11.Here is a piece from the Minority Reporter on the Rochester Police Accountability Board.
12. This latest article from the Pink Elephant Newsletter by Dr. Janice Gassam Asare; ‘New Research Reveals Resumes With Black Names Experience Bias In The Hiring Process’.
(26) New Research Reveals Resumes With Black Names Experience Bias In The Hiring Process | LinkedIn
13. We share one item from the latest edition of the CNN Newsletter Race Deconstructed this week, there are two more at ‘’.
‘A White author calculated just how much racism has benefited her. Here’s what she found’.
14. Here is the Urban League of Rochester’s latest Interrupter newsletter:
15. There are 2 articles that deal with Race, Poverty, Hate or Intolerance found in D&C over the past week.
a. Rochester to change name of downtown park, shed ‘undeserved and racist histories’
‘A TREASURE HERE IN ROCHESTER’ (Acclaimed director Shakes has put his stamp on the city).
16 Laurie Mahoney shares information on Habitat for Humanity. Do we know any potential Habitat homeowners??
![]() |
Please share any opportunities for employment, assistance, grants, etc. that you are aware of with the community by sending them to “”.
17. Support the Black Community by supporting their businesses. Please share Black businesses you support and value. A good resource is “Black Owned in Rochester”
Black Owned Businesses Rochester NY Black-Owned In Rochester (
18. Thinking about changing accountants or advisors? See below:
That is all for this week!
If you have an item to include in the week’s sharing we need to have it by noon on Friday.
Thank you!