ERG Program Information for Prospective Participants

We would like to invite you to consider taking part in the Exploring Racism Group program. We are providing information on the program.

The ERG program has two main goals. First, to educate and increase awareness of the impact of racism on our community.  Secondly, to provide information on the simple actions that we can take to bring about meaningful change in our community. 

The facilitated, small group monthly meetings help one understand their own biases and privileges, recognize the very uneven experiences of whites and blacks in our society, learn about black history, and ultimately create an action plan of how an individual can personally make positive change in their circle of influence — at home, at work, and in the community. What you will learn is that we all need to take a more active role in driving systemic change.  

More than 300 Rochester leaders have gone through ERG’s program over the last five years.  The entire program has been developed and is run by volunteers committed to racial equity and inclusion — and is offered at no charge. 

We share links to information on the program.

  1. The ERG website:
  2. A summary of the key aspects of the ERG program;
  3. A half-hour video presentation on the history of the program and requirements and details. It also contains insights from three Rochester area African-American leaders called “The Impact of Race on Organizations: What Leaders Need to Know”.

We believe this program can benefit you, your leadership team, future leaders and those committed to working for change.

We have many testimonies from ERG participants, below is one and a link to many others.

“Participating in the Exploring Racism Group as part of the first cohort profoundly changed my life, making it fuller, richer, and more rewarding. The experience not only brought me immense joy but also led to lifelong friendships and the development of a thriving new business. This program is a true commitment to personal development, and if you fully immerse yourself, you will grow and find a deeper sense of self.” Chris Cooley,CEO, Cooley Comics LLC

To register for the program go to the link below:

Exploring Racism Group Program – 2025 Cohorts

If you have an interest in the program, would like more information or to discuss the program, contact me or Tom Mitchell at Thank you!

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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