Update Week of 8/28/2022

Good day!

Another 22 items are shared in addition to the email sent earlier today.

1. Thank you to all that recommended a person or persons for the Fall ERG cohorts. We will have 4 groups of 10 each starting in September/October. Please continue to help us recruit participants. We will be initiating 4 additional groups in January 2023 and it is not too early to start that effort. Please introduce potential candidates to our website;  https://exploringracism.org/ and ask them to click on the “Participate” page and fill out the information indicating they are interested in being contacted about the ERG program. Thank you in advance! https://exploringracism.org/

2. Updated item with survey link; ERG Alumni, Kathi Lynch asks us all, including friends and relatives to take Common Ground Health’s 2022 survey. Common Ground Health conducted a similar survey in 2018 and are repeating it this year with additional questions that try to capture the impact COVID has had on residents in the region and to better understand the health inequities exacerbated by the pandemic.


3. ERG Participant, Matt Geherin shares the following information (with attachments) with the ERG community:


We are asking for your support and attendance to our A Time for Healing, Educating, And Rebuilding VII Conference: “Exploring the Trauma of Community Violence, Strategies for Healing”. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022. 

As we know the pandemic has impacted our entire country in ways that has added significantly to the societal and institutional harm already present in our society. We together have a responsibility to heal ourselves while supporting the well-being of our human existence. This conference is one important tool in this struggle.  

Ujima Rochester, Inc., WELCOMES BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! KEYNOTE SPEAKER, DR. JOY DEGRUY at the Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center, 123 E. Main St. Rochester, NY.

Please consider supporting this important event.  

Attached please find the sponsor proposal. Please share with your networks. 



4. The Urban League of Rochester’s 3rd Annual “Interrupt Racism”conference is less than a month away, September 20 – 21, We are less than a month away, so get your tickets today! https://urbanleagueroc.bevylabs.com/events/details/urban-league-of-rochester-ulr-events-presents-2022-interrupt-racism-summit/?code=earlybird 

 5. Frank Staropoli is attending this conference; maybe you should too. The event is on Sept 8 sponsored by the Jewish Federation:

“Expanding Inclusion, an event for DEI and Human Resource professionals about why understanding antisemitism is necessary in DEI work”

6. I received the attached information on the GRBBA Wealth Rally too late to get it to you before the Greater Rochester Black Business Alliance (GRBBA) event (yesterday) but I would urge you to consider stopping at and supporting these businesses located at the Rochester Public Market in the future.

7. Dan Drmacich shares this important NYS Times article related to the Rochester area “Great Schools for All” (GS4A) initiative for inter-district, racially desegregated schools.

8. Richard Glaser shares an article from the Economist on the failure of many workpace diversity programs.

9. The Beacon had two articles this week that you may find useful:

a. Fostering equity

Colleges and universities are working to find effective ways to serve and reflect a changing student body.
Read Jacob Schermerhorn and Smriti Jacob’s post.

b. Questions raised by an act of violence

Some people used the death of RPD Officer Anthony Mazurkiewicz as an opportunity to make him a martyr for white nationalism. What would he say if he were alive?
Read Rylan Vanacore’s post.

10. Bill Wynne shares from his blog: Please see the latest blog post on my book website at https://www.wewynneauthor.com/2022/08/22/conversation-with-theresa-and-ed-chapter-6/. This continues the series of imagined conversations with my long deceased parents regarding my memoir. 

11. I include 10 articles from this past week’s D&C in order of appearance:

a. DC’s pioneering ‘Baby Bonds’ plan aims to narrow wealth gaphttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=143cd54a9_13485ba

b. Teen remembered as a kind helperhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=0bcbd04b3_13485bb

c. CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLEhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=36874bfba_13485bb

d. Family sues Georgia sheriff after woman killed in drug raidhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=24aea714f_13485bb

e. ‘What’s racist about that?’https://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=2c4342b89_13485bd

f. Why more Asian Americans are calling out racism at workhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=04d76778f_13485bf

g. Debt plan highlights Black borrowers’ loadhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=3795c631d_13485bf

h. ‘A WAY OF STICKING IT TO THE MAN’https://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=3a06579f6_13485c0

i. What more federal funding for urban trees means for Rochesterhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=2603d9e8f_13485c0

j. In Yonkers, residents are trapped on a heat islandhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=182fbb703_13485c0

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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