Update Week of 7/31/2022

Good day! In addtion to the 4 items shared via email earlier today here are 13 more items:

1. Our special ERG meeting on August 4 with Jerome Underwood, “Equity is the Foundation of Justice” starts at 4:00 PM. We still have a few seats available for “in-person” attendance. Please respond to my email “tcmitch1951@gmail.com” to reserve a seat. I will be sending out the link for the “Zoom” session again tomorrow. Please, if you haven’t already done so, “accept” so we have you on the list and don’t leave you in the “waiting room”. Thank you! 

2. As shared last week, we are now recruiting for the September ERG cohorts. We plan to have 4 cohorts or groups of 10 starting the one year program during September. Is there a current leader or future leader in your company or organization that could benefit from the ERG program? Even if you are the “boss” or “owner” you need the support of your team in order to initiate or sustain change.  We ask you to talk to your leader, leadership team or colleagues about the program (you will find information on the program you can share on the website as part of the “Weekly Sharing” for week of 7/24 and 7/31) and if they have an interest, let me know via email and I will send them a simple intake form. There is no cost to our program but there is limited seating and we need to complete the recruitment process by the end of the 3rd week in August. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

 3. I attended the HealingROC event last Sunday at Maplewood Rose Garden. Although the attendance was low, it was a moving and meaningful event. Grequan Carter provided a place and a forum for healing. Thank you Grequan! I have included the link to the D&C  article describing the event. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/local/2022/07/29/peace-walk-in-rochester-ny-reflects-on-1964-joseph-avenue-uprising/65385441007/

4. In my email this morning I shared that I would be include many items shared with me relating to racism and intolerance in the Weekly Sharing section of our website. 3 pieces pieces on “cancel culture”.

a. The Neighborhood for the Arts Farmer’s Market disinvited an organization FAIR (Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism) from participating. Although we may not agree with all the positions and beliefs of others, don’t we need to remain in dialogue? 

b. This item is an editiorial piece from today’s D&C. I don’t agree with Justice Thomas’s opinions but, I would like to understand how he developed such a conservative philosohy. I would think law student would as well. https://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=106e03600_134855f

c. This piece is from the NY Times I received today: The Morning: The spread of book banning

5. Richard Glaser highlights the opening of the new Jackie Robinson Civil Rights and Baseball Museum in NYC.

6. Bill Wynne author of “Understanding and Combating Racism” shares a chapter of the book in his monthly blog: https://www.wewynneauthor.com/2022/07/23/conversation-with-theresa-and-ed-chapter-5/

7. Many (9) items from this week’s D&C in order of appearance:

a. Justin Murphy presents an article about planting fruit trees in the food desert https://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=16d2e7918_1348559

b, Revisiting the Tuskegee syphilis studyhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=245a9630e_134855b

c. Fogg is LaMar’s choice for public defenderhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=03cf9607c_134855d

d. Hall of Fame induction brings 19th century pioneer Bud Fowler home to Cooperstownhttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=0af9e896b_134855d

e, DARKEST DAYShttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=05c7f4412_134855f

f. Attack on Zeldin collides with volatile election issuehttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=15c7f4412_134855f

g. Retirement hasn’t slowed down historian Peter Jemison’s drivehttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=0ec434bc1_134855f

h. Kingston digs focus on Black, Dutch burial siteshttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=18c560814_134855f

i. Don’t sacrifice public safety for revenuehttps://rochesterdemocrat-ny.newsmemory.com/?publink=206e03600_134855f

More resources are available on the website “exploringrac ism.org” under “Resources”.

Enjoy your day!

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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