Update Week of 5/29/2022

Good morning! 

This is the holiday weekend we remember those that have left us, both those that served our country and our loved ones. I believe we all grieve for the murdered children and teachers and citizens of Uvalde, Texas. Keep that community in your thoughts and prayers.

I point out that we now have these weekly sharings on our website “www.exploringracism.org“. Go to the “Resources” page and select “Weekly Sharing”.

First, Alan Ziegler shares an article from the Pink Elephant Newsletter titled “4 Ways White Supremacy Harms Humanity” by Jean Gassman Asare, Ph.D.


Second, Jennifer Leonard shared this report from the Sunday, May 22 NY Times: Demanding Reparations, and Ending Up in Exile; A firebrand Haitian president tried to hold France to account for its years of exploitation. He soon found himself ousted from power. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/20/world/americas/haiti-aristide-reparations-france.html?smid=em-share

Third, Dan Drmacich shares a document provided to him by Jalil Muntaqim. “Final Verdict by the International Jurist from the International Tribunal – We Charge Genocides of October 22-25, 2021”.  It is well worth reading and studying this document. 


Fourth, Richard Glaser shares an item he thought might be of interest to the ERG community this week, reflecting on the second anniversary of George Floyd’s murder.

Two years after George Floyd’s murder, what’s changed? – Futurity

I provide 7 articles from this week’s D&C, in order of appearance:

1. Mental health clinics available after shooting (about the stigma of Black People and Mental Health)

2Judge sentences Monroe County white supremacist, says guns part of ‘racist agenda’


3.  Friends, neighbors continue vigil one week after Buffalo shooting



5. Teachers on leave due to offensive messages


6. Two years after Floyd murder, trauma persists


7. Reforms: What we still owe to Floyd


Last but not least; Nanette Massey holds her Sunday “real” conversations about race this afternoon at 3:00 PM EDT. 

Our last session was sidelined by the terrible tragedy in my hometown, Buffalo, so we’re repurposing this topic.

Because we don’t talk about the real and concrete history of the means put in place to advantage white people above everyone else in American history, white people continue to think there are exceptions in their personal stories that exempt them from the idea of privilege. “You don’t understand, my ancestors came here and worked from nothing.” No, no they didn’t. “You don’t understand, my ancestors didn’t get here until after the Civil War.” They still benefited from the racial set up in America. And you live on top of those gains today if you’re white no matter what your circumstances. Until we all get on the same page about that, even white folks with the best of intentions are just whistlin’ Dixie.

At will donation  Register on Eventbrite HERE

Too many white people are only talking about race in an “echo chamber” with other white people. Join writer Nanette D. Massey Sunday on Zoom for real talk about race from a real world, unfiltered perspective.

Enjoy the rest of weekend!

Tom Mitchell

Written By

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

ERG - Co-Founder Former CEO – Bergmann, Trustee Rochester Museum & Science Center & Rochester Area Community Foundation

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