This week’s sharing was published Friday, July 7. Sunday, July 9 is the Martyrdom of the Bab, a significant day in the Baha’i faith that observes the Bab as the messenger of God. This is also a day remembering the execution of one of the founders of the Baba’i faith.
Quote of the Week:
“We have fought for America with all her imperfections, not so much for what she is, but for what we know she can be.” Mary McLeod Bethune, July 10, 1875 – May 18, 1955, American educator, philanthropist, humanitarian, womanist, and civil rights activist. Rochester City School District School #45 named in honor of Mary McLeod Bethune.
Who was Mary McLeod Bethune? See information below.
Mary McLeod Bethune | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Here is what is going on in the Rochester area:
1. Dr. Frederick Jefferson provided this link to an important video conference on July 12 offered by The Winters Group with the intent of learning “How are we doing on racial equity post George Floyd?” Register at the link below.
2. The Frederick Douglas Family Initiative announce Douglas Week 2023

#DouglassWeek |
July 10-16, 2023We hope you will mark your calendars for July 10-16, 2023, and plan to join us for our third annual #DouglassWeek! Whether you attend in person in Rochester, NY, or virtually from around the globe, you’ll experience seven days of talks, walks, performances and other events commemorating Frederick Douglass and other changemakers whose legacies continue to influence our efforts to create a more just world.
3. The Urban League’s annual Interrupt Racism Symposium should be on your calendar for September 19 & 20, 2023. See below:
4. Alan Ziegler has shared a couple of items involving the Supreme Court’s Afirmative Action Decision on June 29. One speaks in support of the Supreme Court decision. We would welcome the discussion of the two points of view.
5. Here is another perspective on the affirmative action case from the NY Times by author and academic John McWhorter.
6. One article is provided below from this week’s Beacon;
a. Here is a local article on the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action decision and impact on local colleges and universities (a poll reported in this week’s Beacon found that overall 63% disapproved of the decision including 80% Hispanics and a surprising 53% Blacks) Here is another NY Times article; ‘Ex-Prisoners Face Headwinds as Job Seekers, Even as Openings Abound’.
8. Alan also provided 2 other articles;
a. One an important article on blurring anti-zionism with antisemtism.
b. The other from Anti-Racism Daily on the failure of DOJ poice reform efforts.
Minneapolis Police Report Finds Pattern of Abuse, Now What?- Anti-Racism Daily (
9. We are sharing just 1 item from the latest edition of the CNN Newsletter Race Deconstructed this week (there are 2 more, go to
a. ‘He crushed the bar exam, but the legal profession remains disproportionately White”
10. George Yeadon provides some current information on “What’s Hot” and also the website for National Museum of African American History and Culture.
a. Email – What’s hot – Smithsonian (
11. Here are 6 of articles that deal with Race, Hate or Intolerance found in this past week’s D&C. We list in order of appearance:
a. Book on Attica allowed in prisons (It is interesting that it took a court order to place the book in NYS prisons.)
b. Bill on wrongful convictions offers exoneration path (How many prison terms are forced on individuals?).
c. PEOPLE’ (Constitutional rights have been expanded over U.S. history, some are trying to take back voting rights).
d. How big a problem is racism in US? (No Blacks indicated that it wasn’t a problem).
e. Harvard legacy admissions challenged (An initiative to make college admissions a real meritocracy).
f. Tribal sovereignty bill falters in Maine (This was an attempt by the Maine legislature to make state policy consistent with national practice).
12. The Urban League of Rochester has posted a position for the VP of ULR Economic Development Corporation (see information attached below):
13. Reduce Energy Costs while doing your part to save our planet. Check out the Energy Conservation Program – Action for a Better Community
14. Seeking a scholarship or funding for your organization? Check out grant opportunities at the Rochester Area Community Foundation.
Grant Opportunities – Rochester Area Community Foundation (
Please share any opportunities for employment, assistance, grants, etc. that you are aware of with the community by sending them to “”.
15. Support the Black Community by supporting their businesses. Please share Black businesses you support and value. A good resource is “Black Owned in Rochester”
Black Owned Businesses Rochester NY Black-Owned In Rochester (
a. Need an Electrical Contractor? See below.
That is all for this week! There will be no Weekly Sharing next, 7/15 will have another edition, 7/22,
If you have an item to include in the week’s sharing we need to have it by noon Fridays.