ERG helped me discover how I play a role in contributing to and perpetuating racism in my community. I have looked in the mirror and seen hypocrisy. A proud American, I believe in the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality; yet, as a white man, I have unconsciously extracted unfair advantages from a system that was designed to exploit and disadvantage a group of people based on skin tone.
Henceforth, I am committed to do the work to heal the wounds and support positive change. I adopted an action plan and shared it with my ERG cohort. I report to them monthly, asking them to hold me accountable. I seek to make my small "ding" in the universe
I joined the Exploring Racism Group in January 2020. What a year to join! Between the pandemic and the social unrest, it was an eye-opening year. The Group helped open my eyes to the biases that I have and how to address those biases in constructive ways. It helped me be less hesitant to talk about race-related issues and realize that being "blind" to race is actually supporting racism. The Group has also helped me see that there aren't easy answers, but that a group of people who openly connect and share can do a lot to improve all of our lives for the better. I highly recommend the program to anyone interested in learning more about themselves and their biases.
ERG has been a unique opportunity to experience transformative change.
My participation has made me more aware of the prevalence and impacts of racism. It’s expanded my awareness of how racism manifests itself in our community – in professional and personal settings alike. It’s opened my eyes to the structural and institutional barriers to equity. And it’s sharpened my toolbox to be an agent of change.
The format challenges in a way that promotes deeper understanding, and it does so in a safe, intimate space that promotes honest, authentic and impactful dialogue. As individual participants, the format deftly invites us on our own journey. As members of a discussion group,
it encourages us to share that journey and learn from the respective journeys our fellow participants are taking – an invaluable opportunity to do such personal work in the context of a trusted “community.”
Every participant will take something different from their ERG experience – but in each case it will be profound.
ERG deepens the capacity of leaders in our community to drive change we so desperately need.
The Exploring Racism Group helped me find a new level of understanding, not just of what it means to be Black in America, but also what it means to be white. I am much better equipped now to make a difference going forward.
Thank you for leading us through these discussions. Out of a month of far too many Zoom meetings, this is the meeting from which I benefit the most and I look forward to most.
The experience with my exploring racism group has enabled me to better understand racism (individual, structural, institutional), privilege, trauma, health impacts, redlining and so much more. Life experience by itself did not inform my understanding. Getting together with a trusted group to learn/share my role in how we got here and my role in how we move forward with the worked required to dismantle racism has been very rich. I encourage you to invest in this work.
Exploring Racism has provided me the opportunity to learn about how racism permeates many parts of our society. My cohort consists of people that have opened their minds, hearts and souls to understand this issue from a personal point of view. Truly understanding the problem of racism is half the solution and more importantly fighting racism is everyone’s fight
I thought I was a pretty rational and informed person. What I discovered: I never really took the time to dig in and interrogate my beliefs around race. This both surprised me and humbled me. I have much work to do.
I have been aware of ”Scapegoating” in nature, in our political system. Through this work I now realize that institutional racism explains how Black Americans have been scapegoated through our laws and governance.
The beliefs I developed in part through my upbringing were influenced by this institutional bias. I am now working to revamp my thinking and beliefs with a more realistic view of the world.
Exploring racism has enabled me to examine my own bias. In realizing my long-held positions regarding race were not valid and in fact, harmful to myself and others, it has enabled me to become more adept at not accepting the status quo. It has helped me be more curious, less judgmental and more able to question what I am hearing/seeing in a way that has been very helpful in day to day problem solving and relationship development.
I never considered that my thoughts were racist. Learning what racism truly is helped me understand the need to put myself in the shoes of others and experience life from a different and sometimes uncomfortable perspective.
The value of a safe place to have honest and meaningful conversations about race cannot be underestimated. ERG creates small, intimate groups that develop a deep sense of trust that, frankly, are the only way to explore race and racism from a deeply personal vantage point. Talking about race and the role of white people is extraordinarily difficult and full of personal risk. Most of us want real change to happen, but we lack the language and courage to act. ERG is one of the few places where pow- erful conversations with people you respect can take place. I have found it engaging and em- powering, and strongly recommend the experi- ence. It has prepared me to work more effectively for change.