2025 Black History Month Programs
The Smithsonian Institute has many wonderful educational program in conjunction with Black History month see the link immediately below. The City of Rochester also has many programs throughtout the monthand up until Juneteenth the link to their programs is provided right after the Smithsonian’s. Finally, Free the People Rochester have announced programs that honor Black History at the 3rd link below.
I joined the Exploring Racism Group in January 2020. What a year to join! Between the pandemic and the social unrest, it was an eye-opening year. The Group helped open my eyes to the biases that I have and how to address those biases in constructive ways. It helped me be less hesitant to talk about race-related issues and realize that being "blind" to race is actually supporting racism. The Group has also helped me see that there aren't easy answers, but that a group of people who openly connect and share can do a lot to improve all of our lives for the better. I highly recommend the program to anyone interested in learning more about themselves and their biases.
The experience with my exploring racism group has enabled me to better understand racism (individual, structural, institutional), privilege, trauma, health impacts, redlining and so much more. Life experience by itself did not inform my understanding. Getting together with a trusted group to learn/share my role in how we got here and my role in how we move forward with the worked required to dismantle racism has been very rich. I encourage you to invest in this work.
"As the only African American in my group, I did not know what to expect. I, however, really appreciated the environment, which was inviting, candid and sincere. I am glad that I learned things about American history that helped me resolve some meaningful questions I had. I also appreciated the opportunity to build relationships with people who want to participate in positive change."
Participating in the Exploring Racism Group as part of the first cohort profoundly changed my life, making it fuller, richer, and more rewarding. The experience not only brought me immense joy but also led to lifelong friendships and the development of a thriving new business. This program is a true commitment to personal development, and if you fully immerce yourself, you will grow and find a deeper sense of self.
The Exploring Racism Group program was transformational for me. As a result of doing the program, I became passionately committed to doing my part to ending racism. You might think “what can one person do?” The answer is: If each person in any kind of management or leadership position in this country does their small part, racism will end. Ending racism is a top priority for leaders who have a heart. And the ERG program is the best way to make that happen, because it is time efficient (a few hours a month) and leaves you with an action plan that you can execute to do your part.
Exploring racism has enabled me to examine my own bias. In realizing my long-held positions regarding race were not valid and in fact, harmful to myself and others, it has enabled me to become more adept at not accepting the status quo. It has helped me be more curious, less judgmental and more able to question what I am hearing/seeing in a way that has been very helpful in day to day problem solving and relationship development.
I never considered that my thoughts were racist. Learning what racism truly is helped me understand the need to put myself in the shoes of others and experience life from a different and sometimes uncomfortable perspective.
If you're interested in a supportive, but assertive, experience to help you learn more about how individual, institutional, structural and unconscious racism impacts society, your organization and your personal life, this experience with ERG can be very rewarding. The facilitators are experienced in assisting the development and growth of each individual's anti-racist perspectives and skills.
Exploring Racism has provided me the opportunity to learn about how racism permeates many parts of our society. My cohort consists of people that have opened their minds, hearts and souls to understand this issue from a personal point of view. Truly understanding the problem of racism is half the solution and more importantly fighting racism is everyone’s fight
ERG helped me discover how I play a role in contributing to and perpetuating racism in my community. I have looked in the mirror and seen hypocrisy. A proud American, I believe in the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality; yet, as a white man, I have unconsciously extracted unfair advantages from a system that was designed to exploit and disadvantage a group of people based on skin tone.
Henceforth, I am committed to do the work to heal the wounds and support positive change. I adopted an action plan and shared it with my ERG cohort. I report to them monthly, asking them to hold me accountable. I seek to make my small "ding" in the universe
A professional mentor of mine had just finished the previous year’s ERG and called me to suggest I join the next cohort. He explained the monthly commitment for a full year which at first seemed like a lot, but he assured me it would be well worth my time to invest in this program. The biggest feature that allows for real open dialogue to flourish, is a common trust that nothing would get shared outside of our core group. Doing deep and thoughtful work in this setting is very empowering and after the first month, our group became very comfortable sharing ideas and beliefs - that they may not have done in any other part of their life. The structure of each month’s class is well thought out and gently moves you along a path of understanding through supplied articles, book excerpts, videos, and other race-related media which bring real-life references to the topics at hand. Trust me, the year goes quickly, and when you are done, you realize how much more you need to learn.